
SQLite bindings for Node.

NOTE: This project is old, abandoned, and only synchronous.

The semantics conform somewhat to those of the HTML5 Web SQL API, plus some extensions. Also, only the synchronous API is implemented; the asynchronous API is a big TODO item.


The spiritual home of node-sqlite is at

The code lives at

Documentation by Example

Import the library and open a database. (Only syncronous database access is implemented at this time.)

var sqlite = require("../sqlite");
var db = sqlite.openDatabaseSync("example.db");
var assert = require("assert").ok;

Perform an SQL query on the database:

db.query("CREATE TABLE foo (a,b,c)");

This is a more convenient form than the HTML5 syntax for the same thing, but which is also supported:

db.transaction(function(tx) {
  tx.executeSql("CREATE TABLE bar (x,y,z)");

This allows the same or similar code to work on the client and server end (modulo browser support of HTML5 Web SQL).

Transactions generate either a "commit" or "rollback" event.

var rollbacks = 0;
db.addListener("rollback", function () {

Both forms take an optional second parameter which is values to bind to fields in the query, as an array:

db.query("INSERT INTO foo (a,b,c) VALUES (?,?,?)", ['apple','banana',22]);

or as a map:

db.query("INSERT INTO bar (x,y,z) VALUES ($x,$y,$zebra)", 
         {$x: 10, $y:20, $zebra:"stripes"});

Also optional is a callback function which is called with an object representing the results of the query:

db.query("SELECT x FROM bar", function (records) {
  assert(records.length == 1);
  assert(records[0].x == 10);

The HTML5 semantics for the record set also work:

  assert(records.rows.length == 1);
  assert(records.rows.item(0).x == 10);

INSERT, UPDATE & DELETE queries set rowsAffected on their result set object:

db.query("UPDATE foo SET a = ? WHERE a = ?", ['orange', 'apple'], function(r) {
  assert(r.rowsAffected == 1);

They also emit an "update" event.

INSERT queries set insertId:

var insert = db.query("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1,2,3)");
assert(insert.insertId == 2);

Note here that the result set passed to the callback is also returned by query.

Multiple-statement queries are supported; each statement's result set is retuned to the callback as a separate parameter:

var q = db.query("UPDATE bar SET z=20; SELECT SUM(z) FROM bar;",
                 function (update, select) {
                   assert(update.rowsAffected == 1);
                   assert(select[0]['SUM(z)'] == 20);

An array of all result sets is available as the .all property on each result set:

assert(q.all[1].length == 1);

HTML5 semantics are supported.

db.transaction(function(tx) {
  tx.executeSql("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE c = ?", [3], function(tx,res) {
    assert(res.rows.item(0).c == 3);

The query and transaction APIs wrap lower level APIs that more thinly wrap the underlying C api:

var stmt = db.prepare("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (?,?,?)");
stmt.bind(1, "curly");
stmt.bind(2, "moe");
stmt.bind(3, "larry");
stmt.step();  // Insert Curly, Moe & Larry
stmt.step();  // Insert another row with same stooges
stmt.bind(2, "lonely");
stmt.step();  // Insert (null, "lonely", null)

Close it:



  1. Install Node and SQLite.

  2. Get the code
    $ git clone git://
  3. Configure and build
    $ cd node-sqlite
    $ node-waf configure
    $ node-waf build
  4. Test:
    $ node test.js
    $ node doc/examples.js

The two files needed to use this library are sqlite.js and build/default/sqlite3_bindings.node; copy them where you need them.